Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Illegal Immigration

A big problem I see that needs to be fixed is the U.S. national security and working on ways to make the U.S. safer. I believe that there should be more things done to keep the U.S. safer and more secure. I believe that the U.S. needs to be doing more things to keep illegal immigrants out of the country. I believe that all immigrants should get in the country the right way, and do all the correct paper work to be allowed to come here. I know older people that had to wait years to get into the U.S. that get so mad when they talk about the illegal immigration problem. They feel they had to wait and do all the paper work the right way, why should others come in illegally. I believe that this is a big problem that the government needs to fix to save lives and money. I believe that businesses should be fined if they are caught having illegal immigrants working for them. In 2005 Wal-Mart paid $11 million dollars to settle a federal investigation that had hundreds of illegal immigrants were working as the cleaning staff. Another problem is the penalty for illegal immigrants if they do get caught the first time they will only go to prison for two months, and the second time a two year offense. There should be a bigger consequence to scare the illegal immigrants from trying to come over illegally.  Another problem that occurs is drug trafficking and how illegal immigrants are used to bring drugs into the U.S. This is a problem for U.S. cities because they are the ones being affected by it and I believe that the government needs to do something to solve this problem.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Response "Dont Ask"

The blog known as Wake Up America had an interesting article titled “Don’t Ask”. The author Zachary Waggoner features an interesting topic dealing with the Don’t ask Don’t tell policy. The author focuses on the gay rights in the military and how they are mistreated. It states that gay military officers are being discharged. There are gay soldiers right now in the military who are too frightened to come out because they know the consequences if they do. What gives us the right to keep people scared for being open? I have to agree with the author that U.S. citizens who are willing to fight and put their lives on the line should not have to worry about their sexual preferences.  Zachary Waggoner points out that the Obama administration may disagree with the policy but they are lacking action. I would have to argue and disagree that the Obama party is not taking enough affirmative action to repeal this horrendous act and they shouldn’t be given sympathy just because of the seriousness and controversy involved. In a Nation where we promote absolute freedom, the President of the United States needs to step up and show the people that the military does not put limits on sexual orientation. After reading Zachary Waggoner’s article I can totally agree with his argument that the U.S. military should not have limits and he points out very key issues on the controversy building around it.