Thursday, October 28, 2010

Health Care Yes?

     An important issue that has been causing much stir and controversy throughout the U.S. Government is Obama’s Health-Care Reform Bill. This bill has had a very positive and negative feedback from society. I would have to say that I would be on the positive side of the bill. I would have to agree with Obama’s decision making, that he is allowing millions of Americans who don’t have health care and makes coverage more affordable for many more. Another great contributing factor is that it is saving a deficit of 100 million dollars over a period of ten years, which saves the U.S. people a great deal of money for tax purposes. Another key controversial issue would be the Insurance companies can no longer put a lifetime limit on the amount of coverage enrollees receive. This is huge for patients who had cancer or any other diseases; they were forced to sometimes go without coverage due to the insurance companies being able to put a limit on peoples account. I would say that is an amazing part of the bill that helps serious patients. Another great part of the health-care bill is that they now have allowed young adults up to 26 to stay under there parents insurance plan. I would have to say that I am a big fan since my brother has a rare disease and his monthly medication can be quite expensive without full coverage. This allows my brother and other adults a chance to obtain a nice job with a nice insurance plan. I would have to say that some of these key points are key issues that have persuaded me to support this new bill.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Daily Dish on Defense Spending

Conservative blogger Andrew Sullivan a known English author, and editor has focused on Political aspect for much of his career.  Andrew Sullivan wrote a blog on The Daily Dish on October 14, 2010 called, "Obama's Big Big Spending On Defense". In the blog Sullivan discusses that President Obama has had an opportunity to cut defense prices. Sullivan claims that the President is overspending when he could cut defense prices. Sullivan states that Obama could the trim the defense by trillion-or-so dollars. That is a lot of money that could be used for other purposes. Sullivan also goes into detail that Obama has not even included the military spending budget, and who knows how much money that is going to cost. Sullivan uses this as evidence to show that Obama is being misleading about his proposed spending freeze. Sullivan also argues that it is irresponsible to our taxpayers who are the major contributors to the defense funding. The American people are the ones who have to pay for the high defense costs. Sullivan is trying to speak out to everyone and inform them about the high expenses that are being spent on defense. If Sullivan was to target a very specific group he would connect with other conservative believers who feel the same way about the actions of President Obama. Sullivan goes on to say that President Obama is holding military spending at its current levels, so the price is still at highs. This statement allows people to think logically that Obama could find a way to cut prices and save people money on taxes. I would agree with Sullivan, Obama has a chance to cut the defense cost. If that is going to save trillions of dollars then Obama should consider doing it and investing the money saved in other programs for the people.